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‘Pure Hell for Victims’ as Stimulus Programs Draw a Flood of Scammers
The federal government’s stimulus checks were meant to help people exactly like Krystle Phelps of Owasso, Oklahoma. She and her husband, Christopher, who have two...
A Guide About 2020 Census and How to Avoid Its Scams
Most people know little or nothing about the US Census. But this is an activity that only takes place occasionally. So, many people will only experience the census a...
Tools to Help You Manage Your Children on Social Media
No parent wants to imagine their children all grown: joining dating sites, social media, and driving- parents' greatest fear. Also, parents usually fear to have “the...
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Tools to Help You Manage Your Children on Social Media
No parent wants to imagine their children all grown: joining dating sites, social media, and driving- parents' greatest fear. Also, parents usually fear to have “the...
Marriott Reveals Breach That Exposed Data 5.2 Million Customers
A week ago, Marriott International published a press release informing the public that the company had been the latest victim of a...
Reasons Facebook Cannot Offer Complete Social Media Privacy Protection
Reasons Facebook Cannot Offer Complete Social Media Privacy Protection In the last quarter of 2019, news broke that over 267 million...